Monday, October 7, 2013


I find that it is easier to pray if I have an organized way of doing it.  I found an article in POWER (a monthly paper published by Southaven Church of Christ) by John Tracy who suggests using the days of the week to pray for specific issues:  

Sunday - pray for the Saints; fellow Christians, church leaders, your local congregation, and the church universal. 

Monday - Missionaries; pray for missionaries, evangelism, and the lost (by name). 

Tuesday - Pray for Teachers; Bible class teachers, the department heads, and the education department in general. 

Wednesday - Washington; pray for the civil government at all levels.  Pray for  world-wide peace so that the gospel might be spread. 

Thursday - Thanksgiving; make this a day to thank God for all of your material and spiritual blessings.  

Friday - Family; pray for your family, friends, and relatives. 

Saturday - Shut-ins and sick; pray for the shut-ins, elderly, and chronically ill; also remember the poor, the afflicted, and those that mourn.  He also suggests having a prayer list that lists people (by name); church programs, etc. for which you want to pray because it is easy to forget if you don't have something to jog your memory. 

The system I have used for years--since high school actually--is very similar except that I use my hand for a guide:  

Your thumb is the closest to your body, so pray for those close to you -- friends, relatives, etc. (James 5:16).  

Your first finger, also known as "pointer" serves to remind you to pray for the Bible teachers, preachers, and elders (Matthew 9:38)

Your second finger is the tallest so pray for those in high places -- president, governor, etc. (I Timothy 2:2)

Now, your third finger, as anyone who took typing (guess that should read 'keyboarding'...showing my age. LOL) will know, is your weakest, so pray for  those who are weak -- whether it be physically or spiritually (James 5:13-15). 

Your  pinky is your last finger, so it can serve to remind you to pray for yourself and your own individual needs (Philippians 4:6)

And of course, your hand as a whole can remind you to pray for all men (I Timothy 2:1).  

Now there are other ways of praying, obviously; the idea is to find one that suits you, set aside regular times to pray, and just do it.  If we, as Christians, ask in faith (Hebrews 11:6), with reverence and humility (Matthew 6:15), God will hear and answer our prayers.  Prayer is our privilege, and we should always be ready to commune with God (II Thessalonians 5:17).  What other friend or relative do we have that will always be there ready to listen and able to help?
                                     --Beckye Mosher


If any little word of mine
may make a life the brighter,
If any little song of mine
may make a heart be lighter,
God help me speak the little word, 
and take my little bit of singing.
And drop it in some lovely vale
to set the echoes ringing,
If any little love of mine
may make a life the sweeter,
If any little care of mine
may make other lives completer,
If any life of mine
may ease the burden of another,
God give me love and care and strength
 to help my toiling brother.
Author Unknown

Prayer is the one weapon the enemy cannot duplicate or counterfeit.

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